Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Spring Break!

I hope you all enjoyed your first day of Spring Break!  We had a busy 3 day week.  Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!
Lucky Leprechaun visited our classroom on St. Patrick's Day!  He TRIED to help us out by decorating and leaving us treats.  We decided that he was not a great decorator, but his treats sure were yummy!

We are officially authors!   Our class book has been sent to the publisher...a real book publisher!  W can't wait for it to be mailed back to us.  A BIG thank you to the families that returned the order form!
Enjoy your vacation!  See you March 31.
Ms. Gilbert

Friday, March 7, 2014

Dr. Suess Fun

We spent the week celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday.  Here are some of our pictures.

On Monday Mr. Halter visited our classroom and read us Green Eggs and Ham.  He did a great job!
We made Cat in the Hats and wrote if we would like The Cat in the Hat to come to our house!

 Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday.  Our classroom and clothes were WACKY!

There were shoes ON THE WALL just like in the book.

The posters were upside down!
Look at our wacky outfits, inside out and backwards clothes and our mismatched shoes!

 In Reading Group, we used the Cat in the Hat cam!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!  

Bonus Jump Chance!!!
Parents- what did your first graders teach you about Dr. Seuss?  Leave it in a comment below!

Ms. Gilbert

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Let's Cheer for Writing!

Last week the fourth graders took the Florida Writes test.  They worked very hard to be prepared for their big test!  The day before the test they had a pep rally.  We were there to cheer them on when they went back to class.

Here is what our poster looked like.

I am sure the 4th graders did AWESOME on their test!!
Ms. Gilbert